I viewed Hatchet 3 (Decker Shado movie review)

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Hatchet 3 (2013) is the third horror film of the Hatchet Series. It follows the continuing adventures of Victor Crowley and his murderous rampage through Honey Island Swamp in Louisiana. Kane Hodder portrays Victor Crowley while Brian Quinn plays Deputy Winslow. Rileah Vanbilt plays Misty.

Its practical special effects are the film's greatest strength. Hatchet 3 is a horror movie that uses CG effects less than many others. Hatchet 3 has a lot of practical makeup effects and sets, which results in some really horrific scenes throughout the film.

The cast is strong and the lead actor Kane Hodder proving to be an formidable villain. The dialogue is hilarious (blog) and cheeky that it can be like a classic 1980s horror film. Additionally, there are some genuinely funny moments throughout that provide comedic contrast to the gut-wrenching action on screen.

Unfortunately because of the small budget (reportedly just $1 million) most locations used are repeats from previous films in the series. The identical boat house was used two times within the movie and a lot of the film feels like it's been recycled from other films in this series. This can make it feel almost too familiar at times especially for people who've watched Hatchet or Hatchet 2

Overall, I enjoyed Hatchet 3 even though it felt very similar to prior entries in this series--it provided lots of bloody thrills as well as some entertaining performances by its cast members.

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